Monday, March 28, 2005
yO. just to tell ya that there's gonna be Speech day rehearsal on the 30th of March. after the homework time. Rehearsal starts at 4:00, so the sec 4s will not have time to help move the instruments.. so... sec 2s and 3s... be more automatic yea? haha.
The full-dress rehearsal's will be on the 6th of April, another wednesday. The attire will be confirmed with you all during the next practice.
23 more days to SYF le! And minusing off the days Zheng laoshi won't be with us because he's in Europe for SCO's Europe Tour, we've got only 15 days(or less)! yea.. I guess the other instructors won't be back so early lah (go Europe of course must stay longer right?). So we've really gotta buck up! Yea, so that at least Zheng laoshi won't get heart attack when he returns. The countdown continues.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Woo! SYF 2005. We're competing on the 20th April, first day second session! Hmm. and thats 37 days from today. can count down liao. Everybody jia you okayz? think of the places we'll get to go! hah, heck no. Its for our own glory. The moment of glory when 'Temasek Secondary: Gold' is read. [copyrights to the cello teacher]. Just swot for these 37 days all will be over. Good luck to everybody, and happy holidays.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
.:. I'm back! here's the info for the 'rehearsal' at Singapore Conference Hall.
.:. 15 March. All seniors will be released at 11:30 from lessons. Go to the Art Room to pack your stuffs after that, and we'll upload the instruments at 12:00. 12:50 attendance taking and 1:00 we'll be off on our way yea?
.:. Speech Day's gonna be on 15 April. Playing our Great Wall Cappricio.
.:. 6 weeks to SYF. all the hard work, long practices and peeling fingers just for 15 minutes (?) on the stage.